WRG North West

Working party dates

Welcome to the webpage for Waterway Recovery Group North West

Waterway Recovery Group volunteers support waterway restoration projects across England and Wales. Our regional groups run weekend visits to restoration projects (and sometimes navigable waterways). Put simply, we dig canals!

Want to join us?

Below is a list of upcoming dates for both WRGNW organised, London WRG organised and other local society organised working parties. If you are interested in getting involved, please use the contact links or complete our enquiry form.

date from date to canal & organiser where contact
various usually every Tuesday
plus first & last Saturday
Shrewsbury & Newport Canal - S&NCT Shrewsbury Facebook
various usually every
Friday & Saturday
Shrewsbury & Newport Canal - S&NCT Wappenshall Facebook
various usually every first Saturday Shrewsbury & Newport Canal - S&NCT Newport Facebook
various fortnightly on Wednesday Shrewsbury & Newport Canal - S&NCT Rodington Facebook
08/03/2025 08/03/2025 Sankey - SCRS Newton Common/ Sankey Viaduct Facebook
15/03/2025 16/03/2025 Manchester, Bolton & Bury Nob End Locks Facebook
04/04/2025 06/04/2025 Litchfield canal - London WRG/KESCRG TBA Facebook
16/05/2025 18/05/2025 Cotswolds canal - London WRG TBA Facebook
13/06/2025 15/06/2025 Balsam removal on Uttoxeter canal - London WRG Upper Tean Facebook
05/09/2025 07/09/2025 Weymoor Bridge - London WRG & KESCRG TBA Facebook
03/10/2025 05/10/2025 Shrewsbury & Newport - London WRG Uffington Village Hall Facebook
05/12/2025 07/12/2025 Wey & Arun Canal - London WRG Kirdford Village Hall Facebook
TBC TBC IWA - Manchester canals TBC Facebook

IWA Manchester Branch monthly open meetings - October - April

The talks are held at the Castlefield Hotel (part of the Y.M.C.A. complex) on Liverpool Road, Manchester, M3 4JR. The entrance is on the side facing towards Deansgate and overlooking the Castlefield outdoor events area. Please arrive by 19:15 for a prompt start as this will assist in the meeting not finishing too late. The talks are free to attend and everyone is welcome, though a donation towards the costs is appreciated.
10/03/2025 Canals in Europe Lisa Zecchin
14/04/2025 TBA TBA
“Canals in Europe: a glimpse beyond the UK” by Lisa Zecchin This talk will focus on the canals in continental Europe looking particularly on the case studies of the Castilla Canal (Spain) and the Battaglia Canal (Italy) and also making some comparisons with the British canals (especially the Oxford Canal). The talk will focus on the how canal landscapes have evolved since the decline of inland navigation in 19th century, the canals as cultural heritage and what is the current offer and competitiveness of canal tourism in the European market. The speaker Lisa Zecchin is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Padova and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Her PhD project focuses on the revitalisation of historic waterways in Europe, and the tourism use of canal landscapes as cultural and natural heritage. She also collaborates with the Touring Club Italiano, the oldest national tourism organization in Italy. Prior to enrolling in the PhD program, she worked as a consultant for various tourism organisations.

Click here to go to the WRGNW page on the main Inland Waterways website